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Australia's Best Survey Sites

Here is a list of the best Australian survey and GPT sites to join.
I have joined each one of these sites and been payed or rewarded.

WDYT Australian residents only.
It is easy to accumulate enough points to redeem especially if you become a free premium member as they will send you lots of emails to read and more surveys
WhatDoYouThink offers rewards such as gift vouches from Bunnings, Target, Myers and Kmart or you can use your points to bid in the rewards auction with lots of fantastic items to choice from.
Click the banner below to join now and start earring great rewards now

ValuedOpinions Australian residents only.
This is survey only site open to Australian residents and they send lots of survey invitations so it is very easy to accumulate enough points to redeem for great rewards such as Hoyts Double Movie Voucher, gift vouches from Sanity, Rebel, Bunnings, Dstore, Dymocks, iSubscribe magazines and more.
Click the banner below to join now and start earring great rewards now

Global Test marketers
My personal  favorite because you earn cash not rewards. The minimum number of Market Points needed to redeem is 1,000 and are redeemable for $50 U.S. cash.